ICE Health Service Corps
ICE Health Service Corps' vision is to be the best health care delivery system in detention and correctional health care. IHSC’s mission is to provide the safe delivery of high-quality health care to aliens in ICE custody.
IHSC administers a detention health system that provides direct health care in ICE-owned facilities; oversees compliance with healthcare-related detention standards in contracted facilities; reimburses for off-site health care services detained aliens receive; and supports ICE special operations missions.
IHSC has a workforce of over 1,750 authorized positions that include U.S. Public Health Service (PHS) Commissioned Corps officers, federal civil servants, and contract health professionals. IHSC is committed to providing health care services to reduce global disease and support the safe apprehension, enforcement and removal of detained individuals involved in immigration proceedings.
ICE Health Care System
In Fiscal Year (FY) 2024, IHSC provided direct care to more than 138,000 aliens housed in 18 facilities throughout the nation to include medical, dental, and mental health care, and public health services. In FY 2024, IHSC oversaw compliance with health-related standards for over 186,900 detained aliens housed in 129 non-IHSC-staffed facilities, totaling almost 45,500 beds.

ICE’s detained alien population presents unique health care challenges. Some aliens come into the United States under dangerous conditions and may suffer from dehydration, injuries, misdiagnoses, or previously existing medical conditions. In many instances, the care aliens receive while in ICE custody is the first professional medical care they have received. Health screenings often identify chronic and previously undiagnosed health conditions.
IHSC recognizes the need for patient privacy, honors patient requests for same-gender or preferred-gender providers, and uses translation and dialect interpretation services when needed.
IHSC’s Motivation to Provide High Quality Health Care
Dr. Stewart D. Smith, IHSC Assistant Director, strongly believes in the mission and capabilities of the agency’s health care team.
IHSC’s Core Values
- Integrity. We consistently conduct business and deliver goods and services openly, honestly, and to the best of our ability.
- Commitment. We are committed to providing quality, cost-effective health care in collaboration and partnership with both federal and non-federal partners.
- Accountability. We are responsible for our personal and organizational decisions, actions, and results. We are good stewards of government funds and resources.
- Service. We strive to satisfy and meet the needs of the organization and stakeholders in support of immigration law enforcement.
- Excellence. We provide services and mission support utilizing highly qualified health care professionals to work toward achieving optimal outcomes.
IHSC Workforce
The IHSC workforce consists of physicians, nurse practitioners, registered nurses, psychiatrists, psychologists, social workers, pharmacists, dentists and administrators.
The IHSC Special Operations Unit (ISOU) works with the U.S. Coast Guard (USCG) to provide health care to migrants on board USCG vessels interdicted at sea. ISOU officers liaise between law enforcement officials and stakeholders to meet the medical needs of aliens during repatriation flights.

ICE embraces national performance standards for detention and health care delivery. IHSC conducts significant training to ensure aliens receive excellent medical care. IHSC’s personnel undergo more scrutiny than any other integrated health delivery program in the nation. ICE enforces its standards with regular reviews, on-site assessments, and corrective action plans, if needed.
ICE Health Service Corps Accreditations and Credentials
- American Correction Association
- National Commission on Correctional Health Care
- National Practitioner Data Bank
- ICE Family Residential Standards
- ICE Performance-Based National Detention Standards